I just wanted to say a quick thank you to Weardrobe for featuring me in their Weardrobe 100 of 2009! It was so nice to be included and even better to be featured right across from the lovely Glamourai! Isn't she the epitome of a cool NY gal? If you haven't checked it out yet, hop right over to flip through the pages. If you're like me, you'll discover tons of new blogs to follow!
Congrats, lady!
congratulations! you deserve it!
Congratulations, you look great! I just joined Weardrobe this week, and it's a great new addiction :o)
félicitation !!!
Awesome, you go girl! I love that purple dress from UO, too bad I didn't buy it when I had the chance. Looks great on you!
Ha, I already did and that's the reason I found you ;-)!
yay! congrats!
I love that they featured you next to the Glamourai. Two of my favorite blogs. Congrats.
Oh I love that Weardrobe feature! It definitely led me to some new blogs to follow. Congratulations on being included in the list! :)
i'm so happy for you. adore that dress!!
congrats!, you really deserve it
congratulations, that's awesome!
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